1.Black Black Heart2.Stuck in my hert3.All that I need4.She5.Far away from home6.I know I loved you7.Mr lonely8.lonely9.my love10.To Be With you11.Wanna be12.As long as you love me13.Larger than life14.imcompelte15.You are the one16.All that I want17.I want it that way18.No matter19.Don't forget about us20.The game of love21.The tide is high22.can't get over you23.7 years and 50 days24.Everything i do25.right here waiting26. s live forevertay27. life for rent28.promise don't come easy30.dilemma31.you took my heart away32. the one33.stop crying your heart out34. the sound of silence35.should it matter36. utopia37.alright38.one kiss39.dreams come true40. sweet dream41.Say It Isn't So42.forever and ever43.angle of mine44. faint45.somewhere i belong46.the power of love47. a new day has come48. killing me softly with his song49.can you feel the love tonight50.lemon tree
黑眼豆豆合唱团(Black Eyed Peas)2003年出道,是一支深受灵魂乐、爵士乐与拉丁节奏与现场演唱精神所启发的放克/嘻哈队伍。
布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears),1981年12月2日出生于美国路易斯安那州,美国女歌手、演员。童年时期,布兰妮加盟电视节目《米老鼠俱乐部》后开始演艺生涯。19***年,她与Jive唱片公司签约成为旗下艺人。1999年,布兰妮发行首张专辑,凭借首张个人单曲《爱的初告白》而成名。
泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国流行音乐、乡村音乐创作型女歌手、音乐制作人、演员、慈善家。
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